Back when I first married I thought of writing a book. The purpose of my book would be to let other wicked-step-mothers-of-doom know they were not alone and that they could make it.
You see, when I was dating my husband I had many people come up to me and tell me my step children were going to hate me for up to 7-8 years. I had others tell me with our age difference there would be problems. Everyone had advice. As they always do (myself included.)
With in just the first year and a half I had many chapters. Some of the chapters were about conflicts I had with our children, some were about miss understandings between my husband and I. But many more were about triumphs and blessings I had felt as we began to mesh together.
After having writen several chapters, a cousin of mine was out visiting. She showed interest in my book, So I asked her to read and critique my writing.
When she had come to the end of my third chapter, I asked for her opinion. She said "I don't see any difference from your experiences and mine." She then explained that many mothers have the same conflicts, misunderstandings and frustrations along with common blessings and triumphs. Boy, that was a reality check for the time, I had almost felt like I had been slapped in the face...seriously. Had I had wasted my time?
Over time her telling me this has brought me much comfort. It has helped me take things less personal (though I still have to remind my self this with even my own children.) It has helped me think that it is very possible that their mother would have felt the same feelings I have if she were here. I then wonder how she would deal with it. Don't get me wrong, we are two very different people, but we do have these children in common, and their best interest at heart.
My book has been put to the side, but I hope that this blog can help other step-Mothers who have their step-children's best interest at heart know they are not alone. It is very possible that many of the children's mothers have gone through the very paces these clever children try to put you through.
Everyone's situation is a bit different. Some are more difficult for whatever reason. However, I solemnly believe if you and your husband act as a team, supporting one another's decisions on raising and up bringing, and include Heavenly Father who knows these children better than either you or your spouse, you will see more silver linings than not. These children you have been given steward ship over will recognize you have their best interest at heart. It is like those many scriptures that ask us to endure to the end. Blessings will be dispersed along the way, along with many tender mercies. With clouds and rain come rainbows and sunshine.
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