Monday, June 28, 2010

Summer Fun

Well, here are some pics I promised last week of the middle boys play. They weren't downloaded in order, I am still trying to figure some of this computer stuff out.

The play was a hit! They did an episode from Law and Order. A college student has been murdered, the suspects are his edgy girlfriend, and a class mate. The students did a great job.

He said he had a great time...until they made him sing and dance to a girl song. Honestly what boy is going to admit enjoying something like that? The boy had a fun time doing sound effects and doing this with his friends. We enjoyed watching the developing talent at work. I have to say I have never seen anyone play dead better than our boy. He didn't crack, he took his role quite seriously.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I believe I can honestly say summer is in full swing here at our home in Nebraska! The sun is out daily. The humidity is laying itself on thick. The garden is producing. Mosquitoes are biting. It is all lovely if I do say so myself. Life is good.

Our Middle boy at home is taking acting classes this week. When first told about it, well, lets just say there was a bit of wailing and gnashing of teeth going on. Upon picking him up from his first practice yesterday I nearly had to drag him out. And guess what, all the way home I heard about how great this is going to be!

Today our middle boy got the desired part in his play. YES! He plays dead. Between scenes he will be helping with sound effects, and lighting. Sweet! How cool is that! No lines to memorize!

He and his friends will be preforming this Friday, I will try to remember my camera, so you can see the action. I am actually excited about this. For you see he and his older brothers will go out in the yard for hours and act out things they are writing in their books, or just have fun role playing war scenes of sorts. I think he will do great!

So there is a pinch of what this summer holds. I can hardly wait so see the results!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I hate to complain. But today was one of those days! The kids were at each others throats pretty much all day. It was off and on, but all day the same. Is it the weather? I guess I could make that the excuse. If I am looking for one.

The weather was beautiful, 88 degrees out side, tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer. There was a nice breeze to go with the heat so it really didn't feel quite so bad.

I dropped one of the children off at a friends and was able to visit, while the children ran off to play. It was a pleasant visit, out on the porch, enjoying the beautiful weather, and the laughter of children. That was the case until I hear my daughter railing on someone more than double her age. Where does she get this? Is it being tired? Ugh.

Another friend was telling me about these parenting classes. I might need to look into them. I have two strong willed little spirits who have been placed in my care, and many times I feel like I am beating my head against a brick wall.

The group I was told about is Love and Logic. This came from a guy who had the same perspective I had when it comes to child rearing. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe in spanking and beatings, but definitely consequences, time outs, what ever it takes. This friend has done a 160 and has the respect of his children and others. Not that he didn't before, just a new height. They know when he is joking and when he is serious. And he is taken seriously.

He doesn't make empty or unrealistic threats. In fact, he doesn't use threats.Instead he gives consequences to his children and others. The consequences seem natural and realistic according to each child's age and personality. Much like the way Heavenly Father deals with us, He lets the natural consequences take place, He doesn't shield us from them. How else would we learn? Oh, this is good, I am seeing how I really should look into taking those classes.

These were my thoughts today. There you go, pretty exciting eh?

Monday, June 7, 2010

A Moments Thought.

Another day, another dollar. I have a feeling my posts are going to be a bit more spaced out. With summer here life seems too be picking up rather than slowing down. What is up with that?

This past weekend was great, the older boys here at home have both moved forward with their callings towards manhood. I am quite proud of them both. It isn't everyday two brothers of different ages are able to advance as they have. The younger of the two was quite excited when he found out he would become a Deacon the same day his older brother became an Elder! Yes! What good young men have been placed in my stewardship at this time. What examples.

So we now have one preparing for a mission (the next 7-8 months will pass quickly) and another preparing to pick up where his older brother will be leaving. It is odd to be on the watching end of life. I enjoy it thoroughly though. These boys are turning into handsome young men.

My husband and I were talking the other day. When our 12 year old leaves for his mission, his sister will be entering young womens, and the younger brother will be terrorizing his teachers, surprising us with what he has learned along the way. I realize this is 7 years away, but I have been married for 5 years which have passed rather quickly.

In the barber shop where I once worked I had several gentlemen tell me "wait till you are my age, then you will see time fly, in fact you may wonder where it has gone." I am finding not even half their age that it is already going more quickly than I would like at times. I enjoy watching the children grow and experience the seasons of their lives. Like I said, it is just odd to be on the watching end.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Brothers enjoying the summer sun and time together.Enjoying the wonders of summer

He has these slides whipped! No fear what so ever!Life is a balancing act.
Here is one of my monkeys at the park.

I love this time of year! The children are growing and enjoying the great out doors. The garden is beginning to produce, and we are enjoying its fruits per-sei. Flowers are blooming. Life is happening. More time with family. The sun is out. What a great season to enjoy. It is a time to enjoy and appreciate all of God's wonders and beauties. I love this time of year.