I hate to complain. But today was one of those days! The kids were at each others throats pretty much all day. It was off and on, but all day the same. Is it the weather? I guess I could make that the excuse. If I am looking for one.
The weather was beautiful, 88 degrees out side, tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer. There was a nice breeze to go with the heat so it really didn't feel quite so bad.
I dropped one of the children off at a friends and was able to visit, while the children ran off to play. It was a pleasant visit, out on the porch, enjoying the beautiful weather, and the laughter of children. That was the case until I hear my daughter railing on someone more than double her age. Where does she get this? Is it being tired? Ugh.
Another friend was telling me about these parenting classes. I might need to look into them. I have two strong willed little spirits who have been placed in my care, and many times I feel like I am beating my head against a brick wall.
The group I was told about is Love and Logic. This came from a guy who had the same perspective I had when it comes to child rearing. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe in spanking and beatings, but definitely consequences, time outs, what ever it takes. This friend has done a 160 and has the respect of his children and others. Not that he didn't before, just a new height. They know when he is joking and when he is serious. And he is taken seriously.
He doesn't make empty or unrealistic threats. In fact, he doesn't use threats.Instead he gives consequences to his children and others. The consequences seem natural and realistic according to each child's age and personality. Much like the way Heavenly Father deals with us, He lets the natural consequences take place, He doesn't shield us from them. How else would we learn? Oh, this is good, I am seeing how I really should look into taking those classes.
These were my thoughts today. There you go, pretty exciting eh?