My three year old has been on a role the past couple of days, thought you might enjoy this. Here are two conversations I overheard, and thought she expressed herself quite well...
"you are a car!" My 11 yr old
"Oh yeah, you are a ear." My 3 yr old
"you are a nose."
I have to give you this quick back ground, my 11 year old was 1 upping her on everything and acting quite cocky about the whole thing when out of no where she retorts:
"well, you are a princess!" Man she is good!
Later this evening I had finished baking some cookies and the children wanted to make sure they were edible so, my 11 year old sat on his sisters stool to eat his and this was the conversation I over heard:
"Did you know you are sitting on my stool?" 3 yr old
"Yes, I sure am." 11 yr old and continues to sit and eat his cookie.
She thinks about this and says "You know what?"
"I Love you, but your full of crap!"
It took my all to not double over laughing and tell her that was not nice to say to her brother.
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