Monday, July 13, 2009

Dreams do Come True

My daughter was talking with me and her grandfather tonight. She told her grandpa that she was going to be a mommy someday, just like me. Oh, what a warm fuzzy, my heart just about melted right there at that very moment.

Then I thought for a moment and decided this might be a perfect teaching moment, so, I added: "You are going to be a good mommy, you just have to wait until you find a good man and get married first." I realize she is three and this may be going a bit (if not a lot) over board, oh well.

She quickly replied "I am going to have a good man, because daddy is going to be my husband."

She really does have a good daddy. She and both of her sisters have realized this. I am one lucky mommy, a very blessed wife! And there are some young men out there who have some hefty shoes to fill.

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