Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Random Thoughts

Well, I am weening my little guy, three bites your out. Potty training is on the back burner. The quilt is started. I still have a dress waiting for adjustments. Shirts to have collars corrected. pockets t fix. Need to loose 'x' amount of pounds, this summer would be nice. Looking forward to old stomping grounds. Proud of the girls decisions! Can't wait until summer begins. Wants to make jammy bottoms for my little guy. Go to the gym to work out? Loving the sunny weather we are having. Needing to be more positive in my thinking. Need to have better relationship with Father, prayer. Spend more time in scriptures. Do better at Visiting Teaching. Positive out put. Patience. Seasons change, both outward and inward. Am I ready to start thinking on number three? Motivation, I need more of it. It is crazy watching the boys become young men! One and a half years and boy 3 will be passing the sacrament...yikes! Boy #2 will be readying for a million in just the same time. Spending time more wisely...good idea. Focus. Clothes sizes bigger...stop focus here. Think positive. Looking forward to seeing the girls this summer. Positively. Looking forward to first of December. Positive. Hubby home more this summer. I like it! need to organize my room and space. Need more ways to entertain three and one year old children. More library time. Fold the laundry. *sigh*. enjoy each moment, speaking of which, life is calling.

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